Greetings fellow Petrolheads, Dieselheads, Voltheads, Gearheads and whoever with a passion for cars or has inadvertently stumbled across this website looking for socks, and welcome to Drive Every Day.

Drive Every Day is a site dedicated to spreading the joy of cars and driving, so that this great passion of ours is enjoyed by everyone and anyone who wanders to this small corner of the internet. 

To achieve the goal of spreading the good word of cars and driving, the core of Drive Every Day is the sharing of stories of the drivers and their cars.

In every car lies a story to be told. Even the most mundane of cars could hold the most interesting of tales. 

The stories a mundane car could tell: rushing to the hospital with the mother-to-be in labour, the family trips, teaching your kids how to drive creates a much deeper bond between man and machine, compared to storing a multimillion dollar classic car and only driving it out when the conditions are perfect. 

Then again I don't object to hearing stories about amazing, interesting, quirky cars and their owners too.

Through the magic of storytelling, we hope that the storyteller will be able to reminisce about their past experiences with their motors that made them fall in love with their beloved cars and the passion of driving, all while letting the readers read about the various exploits and experiences that cars can bring to one’s life, thus hopefully inspiring them to do the same with their cars.

Drive Every Day also hopes to shed light on the vibrant Malaysian car culture. The passion for cars seems to be ingrained into the Malaysian culture so here’s to hoping that Drive Every Day can be a platform to share those uniquely Malaysian car stories with the wider world. 


1. Why do you not do videos? It’s what everyone else is doing on YouTube. It’s so hot right now. 

Well there’s 4 good reasons for that:

  1. This is just a part time thing (for now) and I don’t have the money or the equipment to make videos to my liking (as of now). Photos are not too big of a stretch for the camera on my phone (for now).

  2. I don’t have much content to put on film at the moment, listening to one person drone on about his one car does have its limits.

  3. I have a face for radio and a voice for photos, but I am open to podcasting (since I am a consumer of a vast amount of them as well, so anyone interested in talking nonsense about cars please hit me up!)

  4. I have always meant for it to be in writing. Because it is the best medium for silent procrastination. Bored during lectures, read an article about someone’s amazing ride while pretending to be understanding the slides. Same goes for being bored at work, open reader view on your browser and you can pretend to be reading an important document. You aren’t going to put on headphones during a lecture or in a meeting, that’s just rude; but you can pretend to be reading some notes while in reality you retreat to a little slice of automotive nirvana just for a little while.


2. Why is your website domain .me?

There’s actually a real reason behind this. 

One might say the reason is that it is actually the cheapest domain that I can afford as it came free with the website. Thanks to SquareSpace for making this possible. (Not an ad, just a sincere thank you for making this site possible, but if you do want a discount code — click here)

The real reason behind this however is that this operation is basically a one man show, at least for now anyway. 

It is a combination of the two passions I have, cars and stories. 

The idea for Drive Every Day is by no means an original idea, for instance Petrolicious (an amazing YouTube channel by the way) has been doing the same thing for years now but for Drive Every Day I wish to be able to focus telling the stories of the more common enjoyment of cars, by the common man if you will, hence The Common Car segment was always the main idea. 

I wish to tell the everyman story about their enjoyment and passion for cars and driving. Of course I will not object to writing a story on a multi-million dollar supercar collection but I do find equal enjoyment in writing and reading about a the stories from a family runaround that has been the reliable servant to a middle-class family of 4 as the adventures it must have had are more special and meaningful to the storyteller. 


3. What inspired you to start Drive Every Day?

Ah this is indeed a funny story. 

It was actually a Mexican and an American with two Japanese cars in Tokyo on Christmas Day that planted this idea in my head about Drive Every Day. (I promise you this isn’t the start of an incredibly racist joke.)

The full story is a tad too long for the FAQ section but the gist of it was:  

On Christmas night, a young guy saw two army men in their modified Nissan Silvias roaring up and down Shibuya, Tokyo with Christmas wrapping paper crudely stuck onto their cars. 

This young guy took some quick blurry pictures of these car and thought nothing more of it. However, by pure luck, this young guy saw them parked at an off street car park, permission to take pictures of their cars were asked and granted and somehow conversation was started with the two incredibly polite gentlemen about their incredible machines. 

On that fateful night, that young guy was inspired by the passion they showed towards their cars and how they managed to convey so much passion and enthusiasm in their tales of owning and driving their beloved machines.

Hence this young guy is now determined to seek out more stories like this and share it to the wider world, thus Drive Every Day was born. 

The Shibuya Silvias. A Christmas miracle indeed.

The Shibuya Silvias. A Christmas miracle indeed.



Well as I mentioned before this is actually my side passion project. I am after all still a university student who very much likes to pass. 

The goal is to have something new on this site at least once a week. Maybe even more if there are interesting things to write about. 

The amount of content I can create also depends on you guys, dear readers, as stories for The Common Car depends on people actually willing to share their stories with the world.

*Hint hint: Read Question 5.*


5. Wow we love what you are doing with this site, how do we support you?

Hey, thanks! I’m glad you asked, well for now the best thing you, dear reader, can do is to share this site with other like-minded enthusiasts. Share the passion of cars and driving to all. The more the merrier!

Drive Every Day is also constantly looking for stories for The Common Car so if you are interested in getting featured please do drop me an email at

Especially interested in cars and storytellers from the KL or JB area, but anywhere is welcome. Hope to hear from you soon!



If you have made it this far, I really do thank you from the bottom of my heart for visiting this little corner of the internet. I do hope you enjoyed the stories and hopefully have inspired you to do something that you are passionate about. It does not have to be car related (but it does help). Passion is one thing that people in the world need to have more of. 

I do wish to hopefully see you again on this site. Till then, just a (friendly) reminder to Drive Every Day.

- The Editor